Sunday, December 1, 2013

Gratitude Week 3

Mondays Schedule - Thankful for our Homes

Book - Children Around the World
We picked a couple kids out of the book and read about how they live their lives.  Most where from different countries and had different things than we have.  We discussed that not everyone has a house like us and live the same way we do.

Movement - Three Little Pigs
I told the story of the three little pigs and let the kids help build the houses out of straw (tooth picks), sticks (Q tips), and bricks (blocks).  Then I pretended to be the big bad wolf and blow the houses down.  At the end I let them each build their own house out of bricks.  They really enjoyed this activity and we did it over and over again.

Alphabet/Writing - White Boards
We bought little white wipe off boards and have not really used them so I decided to get them out.  We went through letters A-H (just capitals)  I demonstrated how to write the letter and they did their best to copy what I did.  I was quit impressed with how well they did and how much they enjoyed it.  Then we worked on writing their names.

Art/Craft - Homes
Prior to preschool I wrapped cereal boxes in white paper.  The kids got to color their house whatever color they wanted.  Then glue on windows, door, and a chimney.

Game - Doll House
I got our doll house set out and let them pretend play with that.  They played so well with them.  It was nice to sit back and watch them interact with each other and pretend play.

Wednesdays Schedule - Thanksgiving

Book - Turkey with a Terrible Temper

Movement - Outside Play
It was a beautiful day outside so we bundled the kids up and let them run around outside for a little.

Alphabet - Turkey or Letter
In a basket I put pieces of paper with letters on them and a few with pictures of a turkey on them.  The kids took turns picking a piece of paper.  If they got a letter they had to name it and make its sound.  If they got a turkey they had to run around the room gobbling like a turkey.  They loved this game!

Art/Craft - Q tip Leaves
I printed a picture of a bare tree and the kids used Q tips to paint the leaves on.

Game - Matching
Color matching game we own.  Great to work on taking turns, following rules, and matching colors.

Gratitude Week 2

Monday's Schedule - I am Thankful for my Body

Book -  Hand Hand Fingers Thumb

Alphabet - Lower/Upper Case Match
I found cute matching alphabet cut outs that they kids could match.  I laid all the lower cases letters on the floor and one at a time we picked an upper case letter they told me what it was a what sound it made.  Then one kid at a time would find the lower case match.  Here is where I got the cut outs -

Movement - Just Dance
We talked about different ways we can take care of our bodies.  Exercise being one of them.  I let them know that we can get up, move, and get our hearts going.  One way (that is my favorite way) is dancing.  So we put in Just Dance found some simple kidish songs and danced to them.  We had so so so much fun!

Arts/Craft - Trace Bodies
Each kid laid down and I traced their body.  Then we talked the different parts of our body (mostly face) that we could add to the picture.  They drew the faces in and then colored clothes on them.  It went great.  They LOVED tracing their bodies and adding the features.

Game - Simon Says
This was there first time playing and had a hard time understanding that they only move when Simon says.  But did pretty good for the first time and quite enjoyed the game.

Wednesday's Schedule - Field Trip to the Kids Museum
A fun field trip!  And a great place.  I am sure we will be going back there.


Monday's Schedule - I am Thankful for Food

Book -  Mickey's Lost Muffins
I really wanted to read When You Give a Moose a Muffin, but could not find it.

Number - Sandwich Making
My SIL found a cute game where you roll a dice and build a sandwich.  Here is the website -  The kids really enjoyed it and they got to practice number recognition.  I wrote the numbers on a dice that they rolled.

Movement - Baking Muffins
The kids took turns adding ingredients, mixing, and scooping.  It was so much fun to bake with them and even make a mess.  They loved baking and its great activity for them to learn so much.  And then we got to munch on the muffins for snack later.

Art/Craft - Food Collage
I cut out food from magazines before hand.  Then the kids choose from the different pictures and glued them onto a plate.  Simple and fun.

Game -  Kitchen Play
I brought our pretend kitchen down stairs and they pretended to cook for each other.  This was so cute to sit back and watch.  Pretend play is always a great way for them to learn.

Wednesday's Schedule - Thankful for Animals

Trip to the Bug Museum

We had a fun morning visiting the local bug museum and exploring the bugs and reptiles.