Monday, March 24, 2014

Career Week Three (plus St. Patricks Day)

Monday's Schedule - St. Patricks Day

Book -  Alice the Fairy (I didn't have a St. Patricks book so I just grabbed one I thought they would like)

Movement - Find the Pot of Gold
Evan's mom, Denyal, made cute pots for gold for each kid.  I hid them and put gold coin clues around the house that helped lead to the pot of gold.  Each clue was finish the sentence.  There were four clues totally nothing super fancy.  They loved this and loved the prize at the end!  The pots of gold were a big hit.  Thanks Denyal!

Alphabet - Coin Toss
I cut out 26 shamrocks and laid them on the ground.  The kids were given golden (chocolate) coins. They tossed the coins and when they landed on a shamrock they told me the name and sound the letter makes.  If they were right they got to keep the coin and shamrock.

Numbers - Worksheet
If I was good I would have remembered and pinned where I got the worksheet, but I didn't:/  Anyway it was a gold coin count.  They counted the coins and matched that to the number.  Then traced the number with a pen.

Art/Craft - Leprechaun
We had to do this in sections.  First we painted the paper plates.  Then let them dry.  Next we cut the paper plates to make it look like a beard.  And pasted the leprechaun hats together and onto the plate.
I think they turned out pretty dane cute!

Game - Toss for Coins
I had a pot of gold in the middle of the floor.  The kids were told to toss pom-poms into the pot.  And if they got it in they would get a gold coin to add to their collection of gold coins.

Wednesdays Schedule -Scientist

Book - The Very Grouchy Caterpillar

Today Kathryn mixed it up a little and had different science experiments for the kids.

Experiment 1: Milk Painting -  Kathryn poured milk into a shallow dish. Had the kids put drops of food coloring into the center of the dish.  Dip a QTip into and show that nothing happens, then put dish soap onto Qtip and watch colors repel from the QTip. 

Experiment 2: Glitter Volcano - Kathryn poured baking soda into a flower vase along with food coloring and glitter, then poured in vinegar. And watched it explode! They did this a few times and she showed the kids how putting in 2 different colors of food coloring made the volcano would be a different color (like blue & yellow = green).

Experiment 3: Soap Explosion - Kathryn put ivory soap in the microwave and watched it explode. We then crushed the exploded soap in our hands to make snow. 

Experiment 4: Mentos & Diet Coke explosion - Kathryn put mentos in diet coke and then they would watch it explode.  

Art/Craft - Painting
Kathryn got out butcher paper and paint and let the kids go tot town painting.  Without direction they wanted to paint their names.  

The kids loved all the experiments and had a blast that day!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Careers Week 2

Monday's Schedule - Fire Fighter and Police Officer

Book - He Bear, She Bear

Movement - Fire House Field Trip
I put together a trip to the local fire house.  It was a great field trip.  The kids LOVED it!  The fire fighter that gave us the tour was amazing with the kids.  He played games, taught them about fire safety, and was able to keep their attention.

Numbers - Put out the Fire
I cut out flames on orange paper (suggestion get foam so you can reuse again and again).  I put numbers 0-10 on them.  Each kid got a spray bottle filled with water.  I would shout a number out and they had to find that number as fast as they could and put out the fire (spray the flame).  They really enjoyed this and wanted to play over and over again.

Alphabet - Alphabet Jail
I made a jail out of card board and black construction paper.  I talked to the kids about police officers and what they do.  That they are here to keep us safe and put people who could hurt us in jail.  Then I explained that there are letters have been really bad and need to be taken to jail.  But before you can place them in jail you have to name them and their sounds.  

Art/Craft - Fire Truck
I cut out a body of a fire truck, window, wheels, ladder. and hose.  They had to paste the pieces into place.

Game - Stop
I made police officer hats and cut out stop signs.  They colored in the police hat.  We took turns playing stop and go.  They got to take turns being the police officer.

Wednesday's Schedule - Dentist

Movie -
They watched a couple short clips about what to expect when going to the dentist and how to brush their teeth

Movement - Brush and Clean
Kathryn made them each a mouth of pretend teeth made from a plastic egg carton. She talked about what they ate today and then made marks with a dry erase marker on the teeth representing what is left behind. I also put tissue paper and pom pom balls in between the teeth. They then used little foam brushes and pipe cleaners as floss to clean their teeth. A good activity for them to learn about how to care for their teeth.

Numbers - How Many Teeth?
Kathryn wrote down the numbers they are having troubles with on a large dice. They rolled the dice and that was the number of marshmallow teeth to glue on their mouth. They had a lot of fun with this and did well.

Art/Craft - Tooth and Tooth Brush
Kathryn made shaving cream/glue mix before hand. They covered the tooth in white paste.
She also glued together a large toothbrush made of paper. They wrote their names on the toothbrush. She then drew lines on the brush part for them to cut to make the bristles.

Game - Duck Duck Goose


Monday's Schedule - Architect/Contractor

Books - He Bear, She Bear

Movement - Build a Fort
We moved chairs and got out blankets.  The kids helped build a fort.  Then we played in the fort.

Numbers - Hammer Time
I got a box out.  The kids got a toy hammer and safety goggles.  They rolled a dice with numbers on it.  They had to name the number and then hammer nails to match the number they landed on.
Alphabet - Work Site
I got little toy tractors out and my alphabet letters.  I told them it is time to clean up the work site and put all the letters away.  They would pick up the letters using the tractors and place them on the correct letter and name the sound it makes.

Art/Craft - Gum Drop House
I got toothpicks and gum drops.  They kids put together structures/towers.  I learned through this that none of the kids like gum drops.  Oh well I guess I have to eat them all:)

Game - Follow the Plans
I built towers out of legos before hand and took pictures on my phone.  Then one at a time they had to look at the picture and build the exact same tower.  This was good for them to work and problem solve together.

Wednesday's Schedule - Vet

Movement - Pretend Play
Kathryn made the kids each a card with different animals on them with check boxes so that they could mark off which animal they had given a check up to. She also had a paper with body parts and things to check on their patients (example eyes, heartbeat, temperature). 

Numbers - How Many Animals?
Kathryn had them take turns drawings numbers. They then got to pick out that many stuffed animals from the pile and hide them around the room for the others to find.

Art/Craft - Doggies 
Kathryn cut up yarn and gave each of them a picture of a dog. They glued the yarn/hair onto the dog with some goggly eyes and a tongue.  They turned out really cute.

Game - Animal Food
She had 4 colors of paper and 4 cups with one of the colors on them and a picture of an animal. They cut up the paper and put it in the cups for the pretend animal food.  Great for fine motor and sorting.