Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fall/Halloween Week 3

Monday's Schedule

Book - Cat

Movement - Leaf Window
The kids went outside and found leafs.  We then placed them on contact paper.  And then laid a layer of contact paper over that.  And they placed them in the windows to make cute leaf sun catchers.

Alphabet - Alphabet Monster
I made a monster out of a card board box.  Then I explained to the kids that the monster is so hungry but he only eats letters.  So he needs help eating.  I still had leaves with letters on them so we used those and alphabet magnets.  They had to name the letter before feeding him or else he would spit it back out.  And we worked on what sound the letter made as well.  Something we need to work a little bit more on.  This activity was a huge hit.  They loved the monster and wanted to play for ever!

Art/Craft - Monsters
I taped goggly eyes to paper.  I gave the kids a marker and the went to town making monsters around the eyes.  They loved this one and it was such a simple no messy craft.  Big success!

Game - Halloween Scavenger Hunt
Before hand I printed a piece of paper with pictures of things we see at halloween like black cat, pumpkin, ghost, skeleton, etc...  We went on a walk around our neighborhood.  Every time they say something that was on that piece of paper they were given a sticker to place next to what they found.  I enjoyed getting out and seeing the decorations and the kids loved pointing out what they say. Pumpkins got the most stickers:)

Wednesday's Schedule

Book - Stelluluna

Movement - Hung Upside Down
They practiced hanging upside down like a bat does.  Kathryn would hold onto their ankles while they did that.

Alphabet - Alphabet Dots
Kathryn went over the letters A-H and their sounds.  She made a piece of paper with 3 of each letter on it.  They would pick a letter and then had to dot with a marker on the paper.  This was a good activity for them to match letter to sound and look.

Art/Craft - Apple Prints
Kathryn cut apples in half and let the kids stamp the apples into paint and then onto paper.  The kids thought it was cool to paint with apples.

Game - Bat Counting
Kathryn hung bats from he ceiling before hand.  She had the kids pick a number and they had to run around looking for the bat that had that number on it.  They had to jump up and grab the bat.

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