Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Animals - Week 3

Monday Schedule - Elephants

Book - Five Minutes' Peace
A book about a fictional elephant

Movement - Act Like An Elephant
We discussed elephants and their trunks.  We found a clip of an elephant using his trunk and washing himself on youtube.  The kids then acted out the elephant using their trunks.

Alphabet - Do A Dot Letters A-E
We found the worksheets on http://totschool.shannons.org/tag/do-a-dot/.  The kids did a great job of staying on the dots and enjoyed doing it.  I actually threw them away a few days later and Clifton happened to find them in the trash and was so sad that I would throw them away.

Arts/Craft - Elephant Trunks
Materials - picture of a elephant to have the kids color, party blowers (one per child), and crayons or markers.
The elephants were already cut out and the kids colored them in.  After they colored them in we cut a small hole where the elephants trunk was and stuck a party blower in the hole.  The kids LOVED this craft.  In fact they loved it so much they blew on it till it did not work anymore.  A suggestion is to find a party blower not made out of cardboard so that they can use it and use it.  Clifton was very sad when it would not work anymore.
Very cute!

Game - Alphabet Spaghetti Dig
The kids also dug through cooked and cooled colored spaghetti looking for foam letters.  Once they found a letter they had to match it with magnet letters that were laid out on the table.  They enjoyed this one and it was great for their sensory as well.

Wednesdays Schedule - Nocturnal Animals

Book - Animalia
One of my husbands favorite books from when he was a kid.  It is a longer book with very little words. They kids really enjoyed it.  Each page is full of animals and other things that start with the alphabet A-Z.  They would pick out what they recognized and we worked on the sound it started with and what letters make what sound.

Movement - Animal Hunt
I wanted to use stuffed animals but did not have enough.  So instead I printed animals that are nocturnal and cut them out.  Then when the kids were not looking taped them all around Clifton's room.  I also printed animals that are awake during the day and taped them all around McKay's room.  We started by discussing what nocturnal means and what animals are nocturnal.  Then I told them we were going on an animal hunt.  I gave them a flashlight and we hunted in the dark "night" for nocturnal animals.  Then we hunted in the light "day" for other animals.  They really had fun looking for animals with the flash lights.  I learned though to place them out in the open and obvious.  They had a hard time finding ones that I hid.

Numbers - Matching Numbers
I printed a piece of paper with 6 boxes on it and in the boxes was a picture of an animal and a number (1-6).  They took turns rolling the dice.  The number it landed on they had to find on their paper and put a dot on the number.  Once they rolled all numbers/filled in all boxes they won.  I was surprised how well they understood this game and that they waited their turn to dot and only dotted each number once.  I would say it was a hit!

Art/Crafts - Owls
Materials - 2 paper plates per child, brown paint, paint brushes, goggly eyes (2 per child), and a orange beak cut out of construction paper.
Have the kids paint the paper plates brown all over.  Then let dry.  Cut one plate in half.  Have the kids glue or tap eyes and beak in place. Staple wings on side of owl.
They turned out pretty cute.

Game - Barrel of Monkeys
The kids took turns rolling the dice.  What ever number the dice landed on they tried to make that number of monkeys linked together.  They enjoyed playing this game but struggled a little linking the monkeys together.

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