Tuesday, September 10, 2013


We started a new theme for this month, oceans!

Monday Schedule

Book - By the Seashore by Maurice Pledger
The kids loved looking at each page and telling me the different animals they see that live in the ocean. They were so excited and anxious to tell me that I had to make them raise their hand and wait until they were called on.  Which actually turned into a great lesson on patience and taking turns.  After we read the book we watched a powerpoint the ABC'S of the ocean.  They loved it.  I found the powerpoint on this website - http://homeschoolcreations.com/oceanpreschoolpack.html

Movement -
We talked about the different animals we saw in the book we read and in the power point (or movie as they called it) we saw.  They then acted out the different animals they saw.

Numbers - Graph chart
I found a cute activity on this website - http://homeschoolcreations.com/oceanpreschoolpack.html
At the bottom of the chart there were pictures of ocean animals and on the side there were numbers for each row.  I printed pictures of the different ocean animals that were at the bottom of the chart and taped them on a dice.  They rolled the dice and the animal it landed on they had to find on their chart and put a fruit loop on.  Once they got to the number five of one of the animals they won.  They did really well at this game.  Waited their turn, matched the animals, and recognized numbers.  It was a fun activity!

Art/Craft - Fish Hand Prints
I let them paint blue onto paper to make the ocean.  Once they were done I let them choose a color they wanted their fish (Baylee choose first and choose pink so they boys followed her example).  I painted their hands and let them make a hand print.  After it dried I added the eyes and mouth for final touches. My kids love getting paint on their hands and making hand prints.  So this was a fun activity for us.

Game/Worksheet -
This is a skill that needs more attention.  They have a hard time controlling their hand movement so doing tracing is great for them.  I found a worksheet where fish need to go to their home and they have to trace the line to their home.  I found the worksheet here -http://homeschoolcreations.com/oceanpreschoolpack.html

Wednesday's Schedule -

Book  and Movement- Wiggle!  Like An Octopus
My kids love this book because it requires them to act out the animals and be silly.

Movement - Beach Exploring
At the end of all the activities we pack the car up and drove down to the bay.  It was low tide so they kids got to explore and find shells and look for crabs under rocks.  My favorite part of the day!  They loved exploring.  It is so great for them.
We found a couple small little crabs:)

Alphabet - Matching Fish
Before hand cut out big fish and put uppercase on them and then cut out little fish and put lowercase letters on them.  I laid the Mommy fish out (the big ones/uppercase).  Then explained that the baby fish need to find their mommy fish.  So we started matching them the lowercase letters to the uppercase.  This took us a while since my kids have not worked much with lowercase letters.  It was good for them though.

Sorting - Ocean animals
I found a cute idea on this website - http://homeschoolcreations.com/oceanpreschoolpack.html
I cut the animals out before hand.  I then had them glue the animals on the correct side of the paper.  One side was for animals that live in the ocean and the others that do not live in the ocean.  I thought I would have to help them out a lot on this project.  But they totally got it and put all the animals on the correct side by themselves.  I was very proud of them:)

Art/Craft -
I let them choose a picture of an ocean animal coloring page.  And they colored it.  Then I was going to let them cut it out or a circle around it.  I have not let Clifton really explore with scissors so that was expecting too much.  However they were having a blast cutting so they cut for a while.  It was great for them to work with scissors.  Something I think I need to let them do more often.

Game - Fishing
I pulled the fishing game out.  A much loved game at our house.  We played for a good amount of time and had a blast talking about what color fish they caught and how many they caught.  It was fun!

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