Thursday, January 30, 2014

Transportation Week Four

Mondays Schedule

Book - Planes

Movement - Flying Planes
We colored on both sides of a piece of paper and then folded them into planes.  They flew their planes around.  We would see who went the farthest, which did tricks, which flew the highest, etc... They loved it.  It is so silly how simple an activity can be and they have so much fun with it.  It was a ton of fun to play with them.

Art/Craft - Airplane and Clouds
I cut out an airplane prior.  They glued the plane onto blue paper.  Then they could glue on "clouds" cotton balls.  Turned out cute and they enjoyed it.

Numbers - Cake Walk
I printed pictures of planes on paper and a number (1-10).  Then placed them in a circle on the floor.  They walked/danced around the circle while the music played and then stopped on a plane when the music stopped.  They had to name the number they stopped on.  This game is always a hit with them.

Games - Fly, Don't Fly
I would name an object and they had to decide if that object flew or not.  If it flew they would get up and fly around the room.  If it didn't they sat down.  They really really loved playing this.

Wednesdays Schedule

Book - One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Movement - Boat Ride
Kathryn got out her wagon and decorated it to make it look like a boat.  At the beginning of preschool she handed out a map of places they had to stop on their boat ride (the stops were the activities they were going to do that day.  The school boat would stop for music time, book, art, snack, game, etc...  The kids would pretend there were waterfalls, animals in the water, and rapids.  The kids absolutely loved this and really got into character.

Alphabet - Car Garage
Kathryn would make an alphabet sound.  They had to name the sound and then find the car parked on the ground that had the letter that matched the sound.  Then pick it up with grabbers and put it in the "garage".

Art/Craft - Train
They painted ceramic train piggy banks.

Game - Car Wash and Duck Duck Goose
Car wash - each kid got a car to wash.  They colored the water/vinegar blue and each of them soaked their car in it.  Then they sprinkled soap (baking soda) on their car and watched the explosion.  Then they cleaned the bubbles off using water and a syringe.  It took them a while to work the syringe but once they figured it out they loved using it. 

They also played Duck, Duck, Goose. A favorite with our kiddos:)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Transportation - Week Three

Monday's Schedule

Book -  Busy Train Book

Movement - All Aboard the Train
I set up chairs in a line and printed out train ticket ( I found the images here -
I pretended to be the conductor and had them tell me where they wanted to go and then punched their ticket and told them to find a seat.  Then we pretended to start the train and made every stop they wanted.  They choose, beach, Disneyland, circus, park, and Santa.  It was so cute.  They got SO into it.  We did it for forty five minutes!  I was planning on letting them take turns being the conductor and punching holes in the tickets but the hole puncher was not working well.  But I am sure they would have loved that too.

Art/Craft - Trains
We painted toilet paper rolls and then let them dry.  The glued on wheels and funnel.  They turned out pretty cute and the kids love them.

Alphabet - Train Parking Lot
I made parking lot on cardboard with upper case letters on each space.  Then I had trains that had lower case letters on them.  They had to park their trains in the right parking spot.  They did so well at this and really enjoyed it.

Game - Pushing Cars
I was to cold to go outside so I brought the pushing cars inside and let them go a little crazy.  Moved the table and everything out of their way.  I think next time I will bundle up and go outside with the cars.

Wednesday's Schedule

Book - Splat the Cat

Movement - Astronauts
They talked about astronauts and then watched video of a blast off.  The loved loved this video.

Art/Craft - Rockets
Kathryn cut out the different shapes of a rocket and they glued them together and then made stars and moon out of glue and glitter.  These turned out super cute!

Numbers - Driving on the Line
The kids would take turns picking a card that had dots on it.  They had to count the dots and then match that to the number.  Kathryn set up paths on her floor that lead to different numbers.  The kids had to drive on the path that matched the number of dots.  They really enjoyed this and helped each other figure out which path the follow.

Game - Dots
Kathryn found dot worksheets (  She also had the kids work on the tracing work sheet.  They are getting better at tracing and writing.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Transportation - Week Two

Monday's Schedule -

Book - Let's Go, Trucks

Movement - Boats and Water
I was hoping to find some cheap boats I could buy but could not find any.  So I went through my stuff and found rubber duckies that were on a boat, train, and car.  So we used those in water and measuring cups to fill and dump.  They could have played in the water for hours.

Alphabet - Beginning Sounds
I found a cute worksheet that had a picture of transportation and you circle or make the letter it starts with -  However I ran  out of ink so I could not print it.  So we went with plan B.  We named different transportation and then they helped me name the sound it starts with.  Then I would write that letter on my white board (lower and upper case) and they would do the same thing.  This was really good for them.  We need to work more on letter sounds.

Arts/Crafts - Boats
I cut the bottom of cereal boxes off and covered it with white paper.  Then added a flag to it.  I let the boys color with markers their boats.  They really liked this.  Next time I should let them do stickers too.

Game - Ramp
I got a big piece of wood out and we drove our cars down it.  First we talked about if it will go slow or fast depending on if I rise it up or lower it.  Then after that we raced or cars down and different cars to see which car was the fastest.  The boys LOVED this so much and begged to do it again the next day.

Wednesday's Schedule - 

Book - The Little Engine that Could

Movement - Building Roads
We got our wood blocks out and built roads for our cars to drive on and tunnels for them to drive under.

Numbers  - Worksheet
I found a transportation packet full of wonderful worksheets for the kids.  The boys had to count the number of cars/boats/buses/bikes and then match that a number.  They did real well at this.

Art/Crafts - Coloring Pages
I found some cool car coloring pages at Walmart. And let the boys color away.

Game - Pattern Worksheet
On the same website I found a worksheet where they had to finish the pattern.  They needed a lot of assistance on this and I realized we have not talked much about patterns yet and need to focus on that a little more.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Monday's Schedule -

Book - Wheels on the go
We talked about the word transportation and what it means.  Then we talked about different ways we can get from here to there.

Movement - Red light, Green light
We takes about a stop light and what it means.  Then we played red light green light and added yellow light  (slow) in there too.  They love this game!

Numbers - Truck Line Up
I found a worksheet that had trucks with numbers on it - The kids took turns rolling the dice and counting the dots.  They them found a truck with that number on it and used a dauber to dot it.  We played till all the trucks had dots on it.

Art/Crafts - Car Painting
We got so cars out and dipped them in paint.  Then rolled them around paper.  They loved this and loved finding cars that made different tracks.

Game - Bingo
I found a free download of pictures of different transportation -  I wrote different modes of transportation on a piece of paper.  The kids took turns grabbing a piece of paper out of a bowl.  I read the paper and they had to find the picture that matched.  They out a fruit loop on it.  Once we covered all the pictures the games was over.

Wednesday's Schedule -

Movement - Red light, Green light
They could play this game all day everyday:)

Name - Car Spelling Name
Kathryn put the kids name on cars one letter per car.  She then hid the cars around her house.  They did one name at a time.  If it was their name they had to find the cars and then put the cars in the right order to spell their name.

Art/Crafts - Traffic Light
They cut green, yellow, and red paper into pieces.  Then glued them onto the circle on a piece of paper to look like traffic lights.  These turned out really cute!

Game - Tracing
Kathryn printed tracing worksheets that helps the kids learn to hold and work a writing utensil -  They are getting better at their fine motor skills.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Winter - Week 3

Monday's Schedule

Book - Sadie and the Snowman

Movement - Puppet Show
I printed out pictures and glued them to popsicle sticks (ok that was my plan but did not get popsicle sticks so used butter knives:/).  The kids took turns with each puppet.  This went really really well and we all really enjoyed acting out Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

Numbers - Cake Walk
I put pictures of snowflakes on the ground in a circle.  On the snowflakes were numbers.  So they would dance around on the snowflakes until the music stopped and they landed on a number.  They had to tell me what number they stopped on.  We do this game a lot and they sure love it.  So simple and yet so good to work on letters, numbers, shapes, etc...

Arts/Crafts - Cookie Cutter Painting
I got out my Christmas cookie cutters and paint.  They dipped the cookie cutters in paint and then onto paper.  Always turns out cute!

Game - Matching
We got a matching game out.  This one was good for them but long.  They had fun but struggled to finish the game.  It is great for teaching them to pay attention even if it is not their turn and taking turns.  We did finish but it took some prompting to sit still:)

Wednesday we were all sick and school was canceled and winter break was coming up!

Winter - Week 2

Monday's Schedule

Books - The Penguin Who Wanted to Fly

Movement - Snowball Fight
We got cotton balls out and pretended it was snowing.  We would throw them in  the air and catch them, watch them fall on us, throw them into a basket, and just pretended.  They really enjoyed pretending it was snowing.

Numbers - Number Hunt
I made a page with different numbers on it.  Then we used daubers to mark certain numbers.  So I would ask them to find all the number 5's and they would use one color to mark all the number 5's.  And we did  that with 6 different numbers/colors.  They did real well and enjoyed hunting for the numbers.

Arts/Crafts - Christmas Lights
I printed out a picture of big Christmas light bulbs.  The kids used fruit loops to fill in the bulbs.  It was fun and turned out cute.  Only tip is it takes forever for the glue to dry and often fruit loops still fall off:/ so make sure to give it time to fry completely.

Game - Cupcake Game
We got out a cupcake game where they have to put different shaped sprinkles on their cupcake by rolling a dice.  They enjoy this game and they practice taking turns and shapes.


Monday's Schedule -

Book - Frozen Noses
It was a really cold week so it was a good book to read about getting dressed for the weather outside.

Movement - Snow
I got shaving cream and cars out.  I told the kids that they could drive in the snow.  They could have played her all preschool.  A favorite at this house:)

Numbers - Writing
We got the white boards out again and wrote our names and practiced writing numbers.  They really enjoy he white boards and feel so accomplished when they write a letter or number.  I really want to go with that excitement and practice writing.

Arts/Crafts - Christmas Tree
I bought some ice cream cones, green icing, and candy.  I covered the cone with icing and the kids went to town decorating and eating the trees:)  It was fun and cute!

Game - Ants in Pants
Clifton got a new game and we decided to get it out and give it a try.  They loved it.