Thursday, February 6, 2014


Mondays Schedule

Book - Valentines Mice

Movement - Heart Attack
I cut up pink post it notes into hearts.  Then one kid at a time we talked about what we loved about that person.  Then we would stick all the hearts with things we love about them onto them.  This was super cute to do with them.  I loved hearing what they love about each other.  It is very obvious that they love each other and are great friends.

Art/Craft - Heart T Shirts
I planned that the kids would paint heart shaped doilies with fabric paint.  Then I would press it onto t shirts and it would leave a pretty imprint.  Well it did not work out how I had hoped.  The doilies stuck to the t shirt and I could not pull it off.  However it made cute painting on the paper that was underneath the doilies.
I decided to wash the shirts and hope the paint would all come off.  It worked kind of.
They turned out very artistic:)

Alphabet - Broken Hearts
I cut out 26 hearts then cut them in half.  I wrote the upper case and lower case of the different halves.  The kids had to take turns finding the lower case letter of the heart.  They really enjoyed fixing my broken hearts.

Game - Bean Bag Toss
I cut a heart out and placed in around a bowl.  Then the kids took turns throwing bean bags into the bowl.

Wednesdays Schedule

Book - Cat in the Hat

Movement - Cutting Hearts
Kathryn drew hearts and a line through the hearts so that they had to cut the heart in half.  They really enjoyed it and are getting a little better at working sissors. They kept cutting the heart into pieces.  Kathryn put them in an envelope and they then put their name on the envelope.

Art/Craft - Heart Painting
Kathryn cut out hearts and let they kids paint one half of the heart with Q tips.  They then folded their heart and smooched the paint together.

Numbers - Life Size Game Board
Kathryn laid out a life size game board across her living room.  They had actions on some papers/board pieces like give each other a hug, say something that we love about each other, etc..  They rolled the dice and worked on numbers as they counted the number of spots they had to move.  It was also good for them to work on taking turns and understand winning and losing.

Game - Parachute
Put snow (cotton balls) on and practice moving the parachute slow or fast.  Sang songs and shook the parachute to the beat.

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