Thursday, February 27, 2014

Love/Friendship Week Four

Monday's Schedule

Book - Pluto's Best

Movement - Play Dough
We pulled out play dough and cookie cutters, plastic knives, and forks.  We then worked on rolling the dough and making letters.  Eventually we spelled everyones name with the play dough.

Names - Rice Bin
I put rice in a bin (or ice chest since that was all I had) and pieces of paper with letters from their names on it.  I also had a piece of paper with their names on it.  They searched through the rice and found the letters.  Once they found a letter they had to find it in their name and put it in order.  They really enjoyed this and asked to play a few time.

Art/Craft - Cookie Cutter and Potato Stamping
I pulled out heart shaped cookie cutters and cut potatoes in half then cut hearts out of the top.  They dipped it in paint and them on paper

Game - Matching
I cut out hearts and put numbers on them, two of each number.  Then set them up like matching game.  And we played till the found all the matches.

Wednesday's Schedule
Kathryn had family in town.  She is awesome and planned preschool out and I taught.

Book - I Can Help

Movement - Outside Play
It was such a beautiful day here that we took the opportunity to play basketball and soccer outside.

Numbers - Pin the Heart
Kathryn made hearts with little heart dots on them.  Then put numbers on clothes pins and had to match the number of heart dots to the number on the clothes pin.

Art/Craft - Butterflies
Kathryn decorated clothes pins to look like a butterflies body and put pipe cleaners as their antennas.  The kids were giving a piece of paper and clothes pins with pom-poms on them.  They dipped the pom-poms in paint and dotted the paint on the paper.  After the paint dried I cut out wings and added them to the butterflies body.

Game - Find the Hearts
Kathryn had little heart containers and she put the letters of their name in each container.  I then hid the hearts.  They ran around and found them all.  Opened them and then found the letters in their name and put them in order.

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