Thursday, March 13, 2014


Monday's Schedule - Architect/Contractor

Books - He Bear, She Bear

Movement - Build a Fort
We moved chairs and got out blankets.  The kids helped build a fort.  Then we played in the fort.

Numbers - Hammer Time
I got a box out.  The kids got a toy hammer and safety goggles.  They rolled a dice with numbers on it.  They had to name the number and then hammer nails to match the number they landed on.
Alphabet - Work Site
I got little toy tractors out and my alphabet letters.  I told them it is time to clean up the work site and put all the letters away.  They would pick up the letters using the tractors and place them on the correct letter and name the sound it makes.

Art/Craft - Gum Drop House
I got toothpicks and gum drops.  They kids put together structures/towers.  I learned through this that none of the kids like gum drops.  Oh well I guess I have to eat them all:)

Game - Follow the Plans
I built towers out of legos before hand and took pictures on my phone.  Then one at a time they had to look at the picture and build the exact same tower.  This was good for them to work and problem solve together.

Wednesday's Schedule - Vet

Movement - Pretend Play
Kathryn made the kids each a card with different animals on them with check boxes so that they could mark off which animal they had given a check up to. She also had a paper with body parts and things to check on their patients (example eyes, heartbeat, temperature). 

Numbers - How Many Animals?
Kathryn had them take turns drawings numbers. They then got to pick out that many stuffed animals from the pile and hide them around the room for the others to find.

Art/Craft - Doggies 
Kathryn cut up yarn and gave each of them a picture of a dog. They glued the yarn/hair onto the dog with some goggly eyes and a tongue.  They turned out really cute.

Game - Animal Food
She had 4 colors of paper and 4 cups with one of the colors on them and a picture of an animal. They cut up the paper and put it in the cups for the pretend animal food.  Great for fine motor and sorting.

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