Thursday, March 13, 2014

Careers Week 2

Monday's Schedule - Fire Fighter and Police Officer

Book - He Bear, She Bear

Movement - Fire House Field Trip
I put together a trip to the local fire house.  It was a great field trip.  The kids LOVED it!  The fire fighter that gave us the tour was amazing with the kids.  He played games, taught them about fire safety, and was able to keep their attention.

Numbers - Put out the Fire
I cut out flames on orange paper (suggestion get foam so you can reuse again and again).  I put numbers 0-10 on them.  Each kid got a spray bottle filled with water.  I would shout a number out and they had to find that number as fast as they could and put out the fire (spray the flame).  They really enjoyed this and wanted to play over and over again.

Alphabet - Alphabet Jail
I made a jail out of card board and black construction paper.  I talked to the kids about police officers and what they do.  That they are here to keep us safe and put people who could hurt us in jail.  Then I explained that there are letters have been really bad and need to be taken to jail.  But before you can place them in jail you have to name them and their sounds.  

Art/Craft - Fire Truck
I cut out a body of a fire truck, window, wheels, ladder. and hose.  They had to paste the pieces into place.

Game - Stop
I made police officer hats and cut out stop signs.  They colored in the police hat.  We took turns playing stop and go.  They got to take turns being the police officer.

Wednesday's Schedule - Dentist

Movie -
They watched a couple short clips about what to expect when going to the dentist and how to brush their teeth

Movement - Brush and Clean
Kathryn made them each a mouth of pretend teeth made from a plastic egg carton. She talked about what they ate today and then made marks with a dry erase marker on the teeth representing what is left behind. I also put tissue paper and pom pom balls in between the teeth. They then used little foam brushes and pipe cleaners as floss to clean their teeth. A good activity for them to learn about how to care for their teeth.

Numbers - How Many Teeth?
Kathryn wrote down the numbers they are having troubles with on a large dice. They rolled the dice and that was the number of marshmallow teeth to glue on their mouth. They had a lot of fun with this and did well.

Art/Craft - Tooth and Tooth Brush
Kathryn made shaving cream/glue mix before hand. They covered the tooth in white paste.
She also glued together a large toothbrush made of paper. They wrote their names on the toothbrush. She then drew lines on the brush part for them to cut to make the bristles.

Game - Duck Duck Goose

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