Saturday, September 20, 2014

Apple/Farm Week 3

Tuesdays Schedule

Book - I Wish I Had Duck Feet
I don't have many farm books so decided to read this one.  The kids loved this book and loved he idea of having different animal parts.  After we talked about the different parts farm animals have.

Math - Graphing Animals
I taped pictures of different farm animals onto a big dice.  Each kid rolled the dice and marked it on their graph I made.  The first person to get one animal to 5 won.

Phonics - Farm Animal Rhyming
We used the same dice I made for graphing and the kids took turns rolling it.  They needed to think of a word that rhymed with the animal they landed on.  Rhyming needs work but they are getting it.

Art -Paste a Pig
I cut out the different parts of a pig and had the kids glue them together.

Movement - Feed Chicken and Pigs
My good friend has chickens and a couple pigs.  She is quite awesome and let us come over and feed them.  And we had a blast doing so.

Thursdays Schedule

Book - I Wish I Had Duck Feet
They really wanted to read this again.  After we talked about what farm animal we would want to be and why.

Math - Farmers Market
I put out a few different things that grow in a garden and could be sold at a farmer market.  And made money (1, 5, 10, and 20 dollar bills).  I got out a toy register we have and pretended to be the clerk.  I let them choose one food item and told them how much it cost.  They did not have that amount so had to give me more and we figured out how much I needed to give back.  This is the first they have heard about subtraction so it was mostly me showing them how it works.  Then they each took a turn being the clerk.  But they asked for money that they had so no change had to be given back.  Next time I will just use 1 dollar bills.  They had to punch in the number on the register before opening and collecting the money.  They really enjoyed this activity.

Phonics - Pick the Carrots
I wrote CVC words on carrots and put them in the sand box.  Each took a turn pulling a carrot out and working on reading the word.  They are getting better at reading.

Art - Paint with Farm Animals
I got little plastic farm animals and let the kids dip them in paint and them make foot prints on paper.

Movement - Roll an Animal
I used the dice I had made for tuesday with all the animals on it.  They rolled the dice and had to act out the animal it landed on.

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