Thursday, September 11, 2014

Apple/Farms Week 2

Tuesday -

Book - Pirates Go To School
We discussed how we should act at preschool and what behaviors are not okay during school.

Math - Apple Picking (numbers)
I cut out apples and taped them to our bushes outside.  The apples and numbers 1-20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90.  I would say a number and the kids had to find that apple.  It became too competitive so I had to give each kid a different number for them to find.  That way everyone had a chance.

Phonics - Letter Apple Matching
I cutout apples and put a lowercase letter on each apple (a-z).  I laid them out and gave each kid a letter magnet (uppercase letters).  They had to place the uppercase letter on the lowercase apple so it matched.

Art - Rolling Apples
I had a card board box that I could cut the top off of so we could use it to roll apples around in.  I placed a piece of paper, a few drops of paint on the side of the paper, and an apple in the box.  The kids then rolled the apple back/forth and up/down.  The apple spread the paint all over the paper to make a fun design.  Fun and easy!

Movement - Balance an Apple
We went outside to try and balance an apple on our heads and see who could balance it the longest.  We also tried walking to one side of the yard to the other with the apple on our heads.  This was actually quite hard for them but they still enjoyed it.  Well McKay decided to eating the apple instead:)

Thursday -  We had our friends join us today!

Book - Duck in the Truck
We talked about different farm animals and what a farm is for.

Math - Put the Mud on the Pig
I printed a picture of a pig for each kid.  Then I cut out mud spots to put on the pig.  I have two big dice and changed the numbers 4-6 to 1-3 using post it notes.  They rolled both dice and had to add the two numbers together.  The number that they got was how many spots of mud they could put on the pig.  The point of the game was to cover the whole pig with mud.  A fun game!

Phonics - Farm Animals Beginning and Ending Sound
I printed 7 different animals that might be on the farm.  I held each picture up and talked about the letter the animal begins with.  Then they had to match magnet letters to the picture after we talked about it.  After that we held each animal up again and talked about the ending letter.  The ending letter was much harder for them, but with promptings they got it.

Art - Farm Animal Puppets
Kathryn and her kids joined us today, so she put together an adorable craft.  She cut out body parts for four different farm animals.  We had the kids glue the head and body and eyes on.  Then glue their animal to a stick.  And they colored a farm house Kathryn had cut out.  They loved this!

Movement - Puppet Show
After we made the puppets and farms we placed a blanket over a couple chairs and sang/talked Old McDonald as the kids held up the animals.  They really enjoyed this!  And it was super cute to watch.

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