Friday, May 30, 2014

Bugs Week Three

Book - Bugs, Bugs, Bugs

Movement - Catch the Bugs
I got my plastic bugs out and laid them all over the yard.  The kids got their bug nets out and went to pick up as many as they could.  They loved this game and wanted to play over and over again.

Learning - Fill the Bug Jar
I printed a picture of a mason jar.  Got my plastic bugs out.  I have a big dice and on two sides (5 and 6) I put post it note over it and wrote bug spray on one and fly swatter on the other.  I explained that they are trying to fill their jar the first.  If they land on a number they have to count the dots and add that many bugs to their jar.  If they land on fly swatter they have to remove one bug.  If they land on bug spray they have to empty their jar.  They loved this game!!!!

Learning - Spider Web
I made a spider web out of tape.  I placed letters on the spider web.  I explained that the spider is coming to eat the letters and we need to save them.  To save them we have to name the letter and the sound it makes.

Art/Craft - Snails
I was going to use paper plates but ran out:/  Luckily I had some cake decorating circles.  So I got that out and used permanent marker to make the snail shell.  I cut a little snail body out of colored paper and taped it to the bottom of the shell.  I let the kids decorate their snails.

Game - Perfection
A fun game to get them to go fast and beat the timer.

Book - Froggy's First Kiss

Movement - Play dough
Got some pipe cleaner and goggly eyes out and let them make bugs or just play with the play dough.

Learning - Feed the Frog
I printed a picture of a frog and taped it to an empty fishy cracker box.  And then cut a hole where the mouth was.  I got my letters out.  I told the kids that frogs like to eat bugs and he is super hungry. So we feed him our "bug" letters.  To feed them they had to name the letter and its sound.

Learning - Stomp on the Bugs
I put bugs on the floor and on the other side they had a number on them.  I told the kids that the bugs were taking over the house and we had to stomp on them and get them out. So they took turns stomping on a bug and then naming the number on the back.  They really got into this and were stomping and smashing away.  It was cute to watch.  The boys sure do love physical activities:)

Art/Craft - Drawing
I just got out paper today and let them draw.  Since we were talking about bugs they all drew bugs.

Game  - Fishing
We got our fishing game out and went fishing.  Always a fun game.

And now onto SUMMER BREAK!!!!!!!

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